5 minutes

Self-employed Entrepreneur

Let's get started. Fill in all the details. If you don't have a Número de Seguridad Social yet, you may leave this field blank.


Address Details

Fill in your Spanish address details here. Read the explanation about living area.

Living Area
Do you work from home? If so, provide the total living area in square meters and specify how many square meters are used for business purposes. For example, if you use a second (bedroom) as an office, you can indicate the number of square meters of this office. This may help reduce your social security contributions.


Parent Information

Enter the names of your parents. Why do we ask this?

Why do we ask this?
We understand that providing this information can be difficult for some people, but we need it for your application. Even if your parents are no longer alive, we ask that you provide this information.


Upload files

If you don’t have these files at hand right now, you can add them later and skip this step.

Collect the following documents:
- A copy of the passport.
- The certificate showing the NIE number.
- For residents: proof of registration in the foreigners' register.

Next, create a compressed folder (.zip) (see instructions for Windows or macOS) with these files on your computer and upload it below.

Click here for guidelines for the required files

Copy of your passport
Make a clear scan/copy of your passport and upload it here.

- Ensure all corners are visible,
- Avoid glare/shadows,
- The passport must be valid,
- It must be an unedited scan/copy,
- All text must be sharply and clearly legible.

Certificado de NIE/NIF/Residencia
The certificate of your NIE, NIF or Residencia, looks like this:

Certificado de NIE

Certificate of Residence

Het bestand is te groot.

Trading activities

Fill in the details. Read explanation.

Bank Account number (IBAN)
It is mandatory to provide a Spanish account number. This number is used by the Seguridad Social to debit the monthly social security contribution on the last day of the month. Make sure to use a traditional Spanish bank account, as e-money institutions such as Revolut are not accepted.

Mutual Society
A Mutua is a private organization that works with the Seguridad Social. It provides support for illness, work accidents and benefits. As an autónomo, you are required to select a Mutua. We recommend that you choose a Mutua closest to your location for easy access to their services. For more information, we refer you to this page.

Registration as an Intra-community Operator
When you invoice goods or services to companies in other EU countries, it’s advisable to register as an intra-community operator. This way, you can shift the VAT liability to your customer, so you don’t have to calculate or include VAT on your invoice. Your customer is then responsible for declaring VAT in their own country, in accordance with EU regulations. You can read more about this here.


Complete Application

Are you sure you have filled in your details correctly? Click on ‘Proceed to Payment’ to finalize your order, and we will start working on it immediately!hier te klikken.

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