Bank Account number (IBAN)
It is mandatory to provide a Spanish account number. This number is used by the Seguridad Social to debit the monthly social security contribution on the last day of the month. Make sure to use a traditional Spanish bank account, as e-money institutions such as Revolut are not accepted.
Mutual Society
A Mutua is a private organization that works with the Seguridad Social. It provides support for illness, work accidents and benefits. As an autónomo, you are required to select a Mutua. We recommend that you choose a Mutua closest to your location for easy access to their services. For more information, we refer you to this page.
Registration as an Intra-community Operator
When you invoice goods or services to companies in other EU countries, it’s advisable to register as an intra-community operator. This way, you can shift the VAT liability to your customer, so you don’t have to calculate or include VAT on your invoice. Your customer is then responsible for declaring VAT in their own country, in accordance with EU regulations. You can read more about this here.